Welcome, Shepherd’s Centers

We are happy to provide you a few of our most popular risk management resources, on a complimentary basis. The titles and links are shown below. While you are here, we invite you to browse our site, to learn about all the resources we make available to our members. You can join, and have 24/7 access to everything, for only $25 a year. (Click “Join Now” at the top of this page.)

As you might know, we also have a unique program for insuring volunteers in case they are injured, injure someone else or damage someone’s property, or are at fault in a vehicle accident. That program is administered by CIMA, a major insurance broker licensed in every state. For more information about the program, and to apply for coverage, click on the VIS Volunteers Insurance logo near the bottom of this page.

Best wishes to you and all those you serve. If we can provide more information, please call us at 800.222.8920.