How To Evaluate a Volunteer Driver’s Motor Vehicle Record

If you have volunteers who drive as part of their assignments – either their own vehicles or those of the organization – due diligence requires that you obtain Motor Vehicle Records (MVR) to be sure those volunteers have not had serious violations that should disqualify them. One of the risk management resources VIS offers is a form that allows volunteer managers to evaluate an MVR objectively. Some guidance, from that form:

Do not approve a volunteer to drive for your organization if:

  • In the past three years, the volunteer has been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances or has refused to be tested; for leaving the scene of an accident; for a felony involving a motor vehicle; for street racing; for auto theft; or negligent homicide involving a motor vehicle.
  • In the past year, the volunteer has been convicted of reckless driving, driving with a suspended or revoked license, permitting an unlicensed person to drive, using false or stolen registration, or having drugs or an open alcohol container in the vehicle. (For these violations, more than one in the past three years should disqualify the volunteer.)

For less serious violations than those listed above, disqualify a prospective driver who has had more than two in the past three years, and any current driver who has had more than three in the past three years.

NOTE: VIS’s partner Sterling Volunteers can help you with obtaining Motor Vehicle Records. Click on the “Member Benefits” tab for more information.

Beyond the MVR

Also, for any driver using his or her personal vehicle on assignment, obtain proof of current personal auto liability insurance and (if required by your state) vehicle safety inspection. Note the expiration date for these on your calendar and require volunteers to present proof of renewal annually on those dates.

If you would like a copy of the VIS form for evaluating a volunteer’s Motor Vehicle Record, email your request to We will email the form as a PDF document. It is one of nearly 100 risk management resources available 24/7 on our Website to organizations that protect their volunteers through the unique VIS insurance program.

If you are interested in protecting your volunteers with us, please click on the “Get volunteer insurance now” link on the home page, or call 800.222.8920. For more information on VIS’s risk management resources for members, and our vendor partners, click on the “Member Benefits” tab.