Working Safely Outdoors in the Heat


Working safely outdoors in the heat can be difficult, especially with the sun’s force hitting you from above. Heat stress and sickness can occur quickly in surprising circumstances. Temperatures inside closed vehicles can reach 110 degrees Fahrenheit when the outside temperature is only 68 degrees, and individuals can suffer from heat exhaustion at temperatures of only 57 degrees. Volunteers working outdoors are at risk. However, you can take multiple steps to help them stay safe.

Start Early

Start on tasks in the morning, before temperatures rise and the sun’s light becomes too intense. Volunteer groups should have access to water at all times, as well as sports drinks. Staying hydrated is essential.

Stay Covered

Encourage volunteers to wear hats with more extended brims; long sleeves; long pants; and closed shoes to protect their skin from intense sunlight. Stress the importance of sunscreen.

Make sure they charge their phones fully. Know the location of the closest hospital. If someone appears ill or under stress,  take immediate steps to help. If there is any doubt, tell volunteers and supervisors to call 911.

Set a Time Limit

Limit volunteer work that involves any exposure to extreme heat. Set a time limit for tasks, with rest periods included. People can overheat before they realize it, and dangerous sickness can manifest suddenly. Working safely outdoors involves knowing the best time to start and finish your work.

Give a Briefing

Give volunteers safety briefings, either daily or regularly. It will help keep the importance of safety fresh in everyone’s mind, including.

VIS offers “Preventer Papers” on a wide variety of safety topics. They are free for VIS members.

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