When is the Right Time to Perform Background Checks for Your Nonprofit?

When seeking to retrieve information on someone’s personal background, a nonprofit should first determine what type of screening is appropriate for each staff or volunteer position, then apply that criteria to the specific individual applying for or filling that position. Background checks may consist of examining criminal history, credit history, references from previous employers, motor […]

Delegating – How a Good Leader Becomes Better

Editor’s note: Kimberly Paterson, Certified Executive Coach and Master Energy Leadership Coach, is president of CIM (www.cim-co.com), which works with organizations and individuals to maximize performance through positive, lasting behavioral change. She can be reached at kpaterson@cim-co.com.) What follows is adapted from a recent article she authored in Rough Notes magazine (www.roughnotes.com.) Your leadership power decreases with every […]

The Positives and Negatives of Collaboration

Among United States volunteers, more than half say their tasks depend on collaboration with others to complete the job. Teamwork is key to efficient volunteer work, but managing the structure of teams within your organization might be more complicated than you realize. There are positives and negatives to collaboration, especially in volunteer work. Advantages of Volunteer […]

Working Safely Outdoors in the Heat

Working safely outdoors in the heat can be difficult, especially with the sun’s force hitting you from above. Heat stress and sickness can occur quickly in surprising circumstances. Temperatures inside closed vehicles can reach 110 degrees Fahrenheit when the outside temperature is only 68 degrees, and individuals can suffer from heat exhaustion at temperatures of only […]

The Significance of Serving Others

Researchers are studying — and finding — that human brains are hardwired to give. One study explores how the human brain benefits from giving. Community service, in particular, gives back to volunteers in many ways. Community Service Connects People Volunteers who work together to serve others broaden their support network. This sense of belonging is vital to human […]

Political Activity: Know Your Limits

Federal laws closely regulate the types of political activity in which nonprofits may engage without losing tax-exempt status. Also, nonprofits engaging in political activity can face inspection by competitors and regulators. They also risk damage to their reputations. Likewise, understanding rules governing nonprofit political involvement is an essential aspect of risk management. Venable, LLP, a […]